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Newsfeed: LanguageCert's Lesinda Leightley celebrates her experience in Berlin this year

Published Bernice on Tuesday, November 8, 2022 4:00 PM

LanguageCert's Lesinda Leightley celebrates her experience in Berlin this year

Every workshop and every work trip has its own story. And for LanguageCert's Lesinda Leightley her recent trip to Berlin for the Lead5050 Awards and ICEF Berlin have been one to cherish. She takes to social media to express her gratitude and to share her experience of these past days.

"It was a weekend of firsts," Lesinda stated, moving on to explain how she received her first award from Lead5050 and she also got to moderate her first panel discussion. 

On top of that, this was also a weekend where she got to meet some of her colleagues for the first time. For anyone who does not work in international education this might seem quite out of the norm, however, in our industry it is normal that people work remotely in different countries. The pandemic certainly did not make things easy, and for some of us, the past weekend in Berlin was an opportunity to connect or re-connect with industry partners and colleageus after a very long time.

"I'm so grateful to be writing this, and proud to represent LanguageCert (PeopleCert Qualifications Ltd) at all these wonderful events," Lesinda expressed. 

"My last thought is regarding growth and achievement. It's incredible what you can achieve when you are surrounded by people who has similar goals and good intentions, surround yourself with good energy, it pays off," she concluded.

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